Hostgator hosts 50% more in 2009

Hostgator has recently announced that they’ve achieved 50% growth in their hosting business during 2009!  Despite a down economy (or perhaps because of it!), more people are looking forward to establishing their own online presence – and they’re trusting Hostgator to provide the hosting to keep them on the web.

For many years, Hostgator has provided hosting at a wide range of features and budgets.  Regardless of the site’s hosting needs, you’ll always be able to get just the right service you need without paying for disk space and bandwidth resources you don’t need.  In addition, Hostgator helps make it easy to navigate through the administration panels and install new software for your websites – even if you don’t have any particular experience in coding websites or designing in HTML.  Many content management systems can be installed automatically from a web-based interface and managed remotely in a user-friendly way.

If you’re ready to find out why Hostgator is one of the most respected brands in shared to dedicated hosting, be sure to sign up with a coupon in order to minimize your costs and save some cash during these tough times.  Building websites should actually help improve your financial situation, not drive you deeper in to debt and poverty!  Get started for just a few bucks a month, and you might even break a profit in just a few months of online advertising.

Dreamhost coupon – No setup fee

Here is a Dreamhost coupon that can be used to waive the setup fee normally associated with monthly hosting accounts:

Dreamhost coupon – No setup fee


If you enter the coupon code SAVES50 when you register for a new hosting account with Dreamhost, you will not have to pay the regular $50 setup fee regularly charged to monthly billing plans.

Don’t worry – If you sign up for annual billing or even a longer hosting commitment, you will still receive the full $50 discount!  The discount can also provide you with cash savings on virtual private servers or any other account upgrades you want to apply it to.

Of course, there are other coupon codes available from Dreamhost that can be used to get free domain names, extra unique IP addresses, or huge cash discounts on long term hosting plans.  Be sure to check out the rest of the coupons available from Dreamhost here!

Hostgator Coupon

Hostgator coupon codes to save you money on any purchase with Hostgator:

Enjoy the Hostgator coupon you prefer or let us know if you find more we can share

Green Host Coupon

Good news – you can get a good deal on web hosting without hurting the environment.

Many web host companies are going green with alternative energy, carbon offsets, and efficiency measures.

Hostgator is among the web hosts putting the environment first, and they’re offering a coupon code Green to celebrate. Dreamhost is also going green and they’ve put a lot of thought into building more efficient data centers.